Saturday, May 21, 2016

3.1.1. Network Segment

The term network segment can mean to some degree diverse things relying upon the topology of the network, yet the idea is easiest to comprehend when considering a bus network, and is basically the same for any topology. A segment is a solitary length of link to which every one of the nodes in that segment are associated. In truth, a segment is not a solitary nonstop length of link, since it is broken at every PC association point with a connector that gives the node a chance to interface with the network link, yet the link is electrically one single link.

In any of the given segment, all the network movement is "seen" by every one of the nodes on that segment. You have to consider this when arranging what number of nodes you will associate with any given segment. On the off chance that you have 20 PCs, all completely utilizing that portion in the meantime, every PC will accomplish just around 1/20th of the accessible most extreme transmission capacity. This is rearranged; you will take in more about how this functions later in this section and in following chapters.


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